A variety of selected projects for showcase. This page is a work-in-progress and incomplete, my apologies!

Musical Chairs

Interactive generative audio art installation featured at Harvard ArtsFest from April 27-30, 2023. At once serving as a gathering space, artwork, and sonic archive, Musical Chairs is a setting created from acts of placemaking, highlighting the diverse narrative truths present in every collective of people.

Peggy Yin, Benny J. Tang, Tamar Sella, Chad Gregory Dennis, Jason Wang, Yiting Huang, Suvin Sundararajan

April 2023.


Near-realtime, artifact-free self-stylization (aka filters) applied to video using Generative Adversarial Networks and First Order Motion Transform.

COVID-19 Research Knowledge Base Construction

Surveys and experiments in deploying natural language processing techniques to discover inter- and intra-paper relationships in COVID-19 research literature.

IoT in Smart Homes: Security and Privacy by Design

Recommendations for improving privacy and security in Internet of Things communications standards through a combination of technical and policy changes.